Andrew Liles


Year: 2025
Label: Pipkin (CDR056)
Format: Download / CDR

The World Stopped Turning
Ghost Road
Lost In Darkness
Above Heaven Below Hell

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My adoration for The Sisters of Mercy has been well documented, I was obsessed with them in my teenage years, this extended to the splinter groups that formed post 1985, after the demise of the ‘classic’ line up of The Sisters.

One of the bands that formed from the ashes of The Sisters was Ghost Dance. I religiously followed their live shows from their earliest incarnation, up to their untimely end in 1989.

Close to 40 years later, I happened to be introduced to John Grant, the drummer for Ghost Dance. I, of course, badgered and squeezed him up to the point of bullying for stories of yesteryear and yarns of his time in Ghost Dance. We became friends and latterly he introduced me to Richard Steel, the guitarist of Ghost Dance. One fairly intoxicated evening I proposed making a song together, and subsequently, this project was born.

My sometimes surreal life in music has taken me to some strange headspaces with random and bizarre coincidences and chance meetings with fellow troubadours. Fellow creative souls, who were part of my introduction, passion and formative education into music, have somehow, magically, become part of my later life.

This release is one of those unlikely alignments of the stars, that has, for me, in some inexplicable way, joined many dots and completed another significant circle in my personal ‘conceptual continuity’.

John Grant: Voice
Richard Steel: Voice