Hans Crescent

Andrew Liles

Hans Crescent

Year: 2025
Label: Pipkin
Format: Download / Made To Order CDR

Hans Crescent

In March 2017 I was asked by my friend Graham Erickson to supply ambient sounds and atmospheres for a site specific event. The event involved a number of musicians who played in various rooms around a huge house in Hans Crescent in London. My soundscapes were played throughout the entire house. The event was created for, and funded by, a very famous fashion house to entertain some of its key clients.

I recently found the multi-tracks on an old hard drive. There was a tentative plan to release them, but that never came to fruition. The hard drive included recordings of all the musicians involved, all their parts have been removed and only my contribution remains on this recording.

The original files on the hard drive are 3 multi-track recordings, a ‘dress rehearsal’ and the 2 live recordings of the two nights we played. The files combined would be just under 9 hours long but have been edited down to under an hour.

Many thanks to Graham Erickson who kindly invited me to participate all those years ago.